3D Modelling
The use of intelligent modeling gives industry professionals a realistic view of a
site to get an idea of project feasibility, costs, and scheduling. 3D mapping is
giving developers new capabilities in optimizing energy installations. Such
detailed visualization speeds up the design process and identifies potential
hurdles that could appear during the project, so they can be dealt with in

Asset Monitoring
Renewable asset management tracks and manages a physical plant, such as a wind or solar farm through all the stages of its life cycle. Successful renewable
asset management ensures the seamless collection of all data, documents,
milestones, and events for the lifecycle of this asset.
An audit is one of the tools that the business can use from time to time to
measure current performance, identify quick-win opportunities, reset efficiency
and productivity targets, re-prioritize action plans, and develop business cases
for projects that may be eligible for grant funding.
Construction Management
Full-time on-site monitoring is provided by our staff lender’s engineer whose
primary role is to monitor the engineering, procurement and construction
during a project’s construction period. The on-site lender’s engineer interfaces
with all the project construction stakeholders to provide feedback to the lender
regarding construction conformance to the project design and schedule, reviews
of work plans and quality-control procedures, and consultations in advance of
inspections and major work phases.
Design Engineering and Detailing
Our engineering services include design and advisory, electrical and mechanical
engineering, geotechnical services, and owner’s engineer services. Our
modeling, detailing and digital engineering services add value throughout the
Design-Build-Manage lifecycle from initial scoping and 3D visualization to
holistic ongoing asset management.
EPC Projects
As an EPC service provider, we design the plant (Engineering), purchase
components and services (Procurement) and construct the power plant
(Construction) including the infrastructure. Our engineers customize each power
plant to perfectly suit the conditions onsite.

Feasibility Studies
CEM POWER sets up a multidisciplinary team to carry out the feasibility study
for all project aspects. The resulting solutions aim to ensure excellent commercial
performances, smooth operations and cost-to-benefit efficiency, and respond to
the requirements and expectations of the clients.
Lender's/ Owner's Independent Engineer
We understand the challenges of developing and constructing a renewable
energy project; maximizing return on investment whilst reducing all project
risks to a minimum. We recognize the need for a flexible approach to work that
supports the client in finding the right balance between speed of execution,
technical precision, room to maneuver in contractual negotiations, and overall
Operations & Maintenance (O&M)
We monitor the performance of the asset during operation & maintenance by
maintaining direct and ongoing communication with the team of professionals
working on the project.

Plant Performance Assessment
We offer technical studies and asset behavior analysis to optimize plant
performance by approaching it from a technical and economic perspective to
maximize the life of the plant.

Procurement Management
Our procurement, expediting & inspection service adds value to projects
through the inspection of manufacturers and assessment of manufacturing
production plans and capacity.
Project Management (PMC)
Our team provides a project management team to control and carry out
budgetary, schedule, quality and safety measures. We deliver project
management knowledge, experience and the capability to handle resources to
achieve requisite goals on your regulation and policy.
Quality Assurance
CEM POWER provides a complete quality assurance solution that covers the
entire product lifecycle and every Balance of System (BOS) component.
Through our training company, Acumen Global Training & Development (AGTD) offers a plethora of courses & customized training programs catering to young professional to seasoned corporate leaders. More details can be found through www.acumenglobal.net.