CEM POWER develops specific application software for PLC & Networking,
SCADA System, Distributed Control System, and Variable Frequency Drive

ESP/Bag filter
Retrofit & Upgradation
CEM POWER offers expert services for the optimum performance and
efficiency of an ESP.
Management Solutions
The concept of energy management is to reduce the loss of energy and cost of production. It can be done in various ways, some of which include:
- Optimization of the cement production process at every level
- Optimal planning of production schedules
- Energy audit and analysis
- Usage of low-cost fuel or alternative fuel
- Recovery of heat and utilization
- Reduce specific power consumption
Factory Automation Solutions
CEM POWER provides customized automation solutions to improve
productivity, efficiency in the utilization of raw materials/energy, quality
considerations, and minimize adverse environmental effects.
Fuel Investigation Study
CEM POWER conducts research and development to identify new & alternative
sources of fuel to recommend Alternative Fuels for both economic and
ecological benefits.
Hard facing of Wear Parts
We offer rebuilding and hard facing of worn parts.
Optimization Study
We offer Optimization studies to clients for the improvement of the plant
performance in terms of improved capacity utilization, reduced power
consumption, reduced fuel consumption, reduction of wear rate of dynamic
equipment, improved product quality, improved equipment availability and
improved working environment.

Raw Material Investigation
We conduct raw material investigation study to identify the suitable site(s) to
sustain an envisaged capacity cement plant.
Raw Mix Design & Optimization
We carry out raw mix Design & Optimization with the objectives such as
improvement in clinker quality, improvement in cement performance,
utilization of low grade/ waste materials as a component of raw mix,
evaluation and utilization of raw materials from different sources, and design of
alternate mixes for use with coal/ petcoke from different sources.
Refractory Installation
The refractory lining on the interior of the cement rotary kiln is a crucial
component in ensuring the kiln’s working efficiency and protecting the kiln
shell from melting down. Our service team includes Refractory Engineers,
Supervisors, Forepersons, Refractory Masons, Bricklayers, Gunning Crews, and
Carpenters who have deep knowledge of the aspects of the refractory

Repair of Cracks of Kiln, Shells, Rollers
CEM POWER is specialized in solving the most complex problems on-site
during the operation of the rotary kilns and is dedicated to solving the
problems in optimal time, including the replacement of spare parts.

Retrofit/Upgradation of Equipment
CEM POWER provides a variety of cement plant upgradation and expansion
solutions to help cement producers improve production efficiencies and lower
production costs.
Our services include technical upgrades and modification of old cement
production lines, providing designing and customized equipment
manufacturing, equipment upgrade of the calcining system and grinding
system, increasing production capacities, saving energy, and reducing the
environmental pollution.
RMC Development & Management
We carry out end-to-end services such as mixture design review, development,
optimization, material testing, plant construction, engineering, training, and
compliance, required to set up and operate this vertical. Our services in RMC
development & its management gives the client a competitive advantage over
its competitors.
Silo Cleaning
CEM POWER carries out effective silo cleaning with trained & experienced
manpower along with the latest technology.
Software Application Development
Our service ranges from proposing and installing to the absolute
commissioning of automated systems and products such as HMI systems,
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), DCS systems, Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition (SCADA), drives, sensors, and DCS systems.
Troubleshooting of Equipment
CEM POWER’s qualified & experienced personnel carry out complete
troubleshooting & restoration of all kinds of equipment in the cement plant.